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Olga Botsi

Singer and Vocal Coach

Singing lessons and coaching in Zurich, Switzerland or Skype

What my students think..

''Since starting my lessons with Olga my confidence as a singer has soared and my progress has been noted by family, peers and strangers! 

Olga has helped me not only to find my voice, but to understand how sound is produced vocally. She has a creative approach and lessons are always productive, fun and interesting. I cannot recommend her strongly enough!'' Alice Taylor , singing student , London

“Olga is a brilliant and inspiring teacher, teaching students at a pace that suits them and with an enthusiasm and passion for their development.  Her own musicianship is multi-skilled, teaching several instruments as well as singing.  I would have no hesitation in recommending Olga as a teacher” Jamie Shavdia, violin student, London


“I enjoy learning with Olga as she has the ability to adapt as a teacher. She's approachable and flexible around lesson times and does her utmost to be accommodating. In terms of lesson content, she's encouraging, patient and able to find solutions to hurdles the student encounters. She understands the learner's style as well as their preference for different genres, for example, she will research specific materials at the request of the student. She's quite strict on the basics and will challenge the student while taking other aspects of their lives on board. I feel comfortable during the lessons and I'm happy with the progress I've made and this is in no small part due to Olga's method of teaching.  “ Patricia Byczek ,skype violin and singing student, France


"After years of unresolved placement problems, working with Olga was a totally different experience to working with any other vocal teachers previously. She identified my vocal issues and crafted each lesson around overcoming them. Without doubt, I am a much healthier and more accomplished singer because of training with Olga.” Jack Martin ,singing student, London


“Starting as a guitar instrumentalist and bedroom hero, it was only a few years ago and several months of backpacking Europe, I was inspired to start singing and shortly after encouraged to step on stage at my first open mic. In fact it was after one of my performances where I first met: Olga Botsi, talented singer-songwriter, up and coming vocal coach and master of developing vocal technique from nothing. Thinking back, it still amazes me what she saw in my voice; knowing what I know now, I cringe whenever i think of how I sung back then... It was through Olga’s keen ear, patience and perseverance that she remained confident I could learn to get to the level I wanted. It was evident from the first few sessions and her story, that she could truly relate to where I was coming from because she had similar issues in the past with her own singing. And this is absolutely one of Olga’s biggest strengths; she can hear, feel and recognise what’s going on with your voice (even through Skype!), because she has gone through it herself! Having a talented singer as a teacher is one thing, but also having someone who has walked the path and can describe in a relatable way (/brainwash hehe) the right technique and the correct mouth, jaw, tongue positions (with techniques known as - ’the pav’, ’tent’, ‘lock jaw’ and ’the flap’) is just beyond words how beneficial it is (for you!). Her lessons are always fun, but she knows how to focus and get the most out of you - she is a great teacher who has the perfect mix of pushing you to your limits and encouragement. I will be forever grateful that I found her when I did, before I lost my voice or worse, made irreparable damage to my vocal chords! It’s rare that I share this with you now: she is my secret weapon. If you truly want to find your own voice, and one that is healthy, yet powerful, I can’t think of a better person to recommend - if you’re serious about improving your voice Olga will be a life changer. “ Romeo Sison Cabrera, singing student ,London


"I've had singing teachers before but no one as great as Olga! She really understands the way I learn and is great at explaining things. I find her lessons really relaxing after a stressful day at work because she helps me with breathing. It's almost like a yoga class! Olga is very flexible and fun to work with and the Skype lessons work surprisingly well! Can't recommend her lessons enough!” Emily Andrews, singing student, London


"Είχα τη μεγάλη τύχη να ξεκινήσω μάθημα με την Όλγα ένα εξάμηνο πριν τις πτυχιακές μου εξετάσεις στο φλάουτο. Η Όλγα κοιτώντας πως στέκομαι και αναπνέω από την πρώτη κιόλας φορά ανακάλυψε ουσιαστικά ένα πρόβλημα της φλαουτιστικής μου τεχνικής - που με βασάνιζε επί δεκαετία - με σφιξίματα σε όλο μου το σώμα και βέβαια με επίπτωση στην απόδοσή μου. Έτσι μου συνέστησε μια καθημερινή ρουτίνα ασκήσεων yoga ελέγχοντας κάθε φορά και την παραμικρή λεπτομέρεια ώστε να χαλαρώσουν οι ώμοι και η πλάτη μου, να σταθεί σωστά η σπονδυλική στήλη και να ανοίξουν τα πλευρά μου με αποτέλεσμα να μπορώ να αναπνεύσω με ελευθερία και να παράγω δυνατό καθαρό ήχο χωρίς πόνο και κούραση. Ήδη απ’τούς 3 πρώτους μήνες βλέπω τεράστια διαφορά στο παίξιμο μου, γνώρισα το σώμα μου, άρχισα να το ελέγχω και ανυπομονώ να προχωρήσω κι άλλο στο τραγούδι." Christina Mimilidou, singing student, Athens

''I started my singing lessons over a year ago. Now while I might not yet be singing like the rockstar I like to picture myself as I can now quite comfortably hit notes which is a miracle considering my family is cursed with vocal misfortunes. As if this is not enough a compliment to Olga's teaching the fact I look forward to every lesson is due her fun loving nature that makes an hour lesson pass in seconds!'' Felix Roesdahl, singing student, London

''When I first started taking singing lessons with Olga I could sing but I lacked confidence, power and range. Using personalised exercises and picking songs that help me target particular issues, Olga has been able to extend my range and combat my issues with power. Her lessons are very focused on my individual needs, I never feel like she is teaching me from a text book. She is able to work out where my problem areas are and adapt the lesson, coming up with inventive ways to get me to the next level. Singing and music theory is not something that I need from the sessions but when I want something explained in those terms she is able to go through it with me in a easy and understandable way. 

My lessons are always fun and never boring, I started off doing lessons in person and now take lessons via skype and the quality has not dropped at all. After years of singing quietly to myself in the car I am finally getting the confidence to show off my singing talents and I couldn't have done it without her! She is awesome!'' Claire Justin, singing student, London

"I am very thankful for having the experience to be in workshop/lessons with Olga. As a violinist and vocals teacher she definitely have a way to share her passion and love about music. She can adapt very easily to all personalities and playing styles which is exactly what a student would want from the teacher. I thought that at the age of 26 it would be late for me but Olga managed to encourage me and she made me put all the effort needed. Within months I was really impressed with my personal development and that was thanks to Olga. She could cover a wide range of playing styles and I am sure her teaching style can attract any type of student. From really traditional greek to heavy rock and metal. Olga thank you for sharing your talent with such generosity.'' Sotiris Routis, violin student, Athens

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